OSL Features at NZ's Future Farms Conference

Brendan Hoare, Chair of the 2014 UN International Year of Family Farming and Managing Director, Organic Systems will present an Organic Presentation and mini-workshop at the conference on 'Finding common ground: Active solutions for people, product and planet.'

The workshop's abstract sets the scene by saying,"It’s a wicked opportunity. Leaders accept the ‘status quo’ is unacceptable and the world begs for clean, safe, green food. Meanwhile New Zealand struggles with its identity (and responsibility), failing to seize the moment to be an action oriented hero for tomorrow’s world. Solutions are on offer but finding common ground requires an openness to change cultural attitudes, practices and beliefs. This presentation and workshop will explore how food production systems of all sizes can adapt their ways of thinking and operations to meet these demands.

The workshop will be based on our findings and learning from our leadership role and research conducted as
part of the 2014 UN International Year of Family Farming and other first-hand experience around the world."